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Autodesk has launched 3ds Max 2025, the latest rendition of its 3D modelling and rendering application. This constitutes an iterative update encompassing enhancements to the Retopology Tools, CAT toolset, OCIO color management, as well as the Arnold and USD plugins, along with a reconfiguration of global search and menu customization.

3D Modeling

Performance optimizations have been implemented in the Autodesk Retopology Tools. The retopology toolset, which was introduced in 3ds Max 2021.3, has received an update in the form of Autodesk Retopology Tools 1.5. The modifications to the underlying ReForm algorithm result in processing speeds that are "up to 8% faster". Additionally, preprocessing and OpenVDB remeshing can now be executed as independent processes.



While the rigging and animation toolsets of 3ds Max do not acquire major new functionalities, there have been fixes addressing "long-standing issues" within CAT, which is 3ds Max's Character Animation Toolkit plugin. Notably, CAT should exhibit greater stability when loading or saving data, deleting CAT objects, or utilizing the Layer Manager. Moreover, copy/pasting layers now functions correctly in Extraction mode.


Color Management

The OpenColorIO (OCIO) color management system, which was initially introduced in 3ds Max 2024 as a tech preview, now becomes the default mode for color management in new scenes. Additionally, the VertexPaint tool is now integrated into the color management framework, and the Baking to Texture feature enables users to select an output color space.


Workflow enhancements include the introduction of a new Menu Editor for customizing 3ds Max's menus, including quad menus. With this tool, users can perform actions such as adding, removing, reordering, or renaming menu items, as well as creating new separators and sub-menus. Custom configurations will remain compatible with future versions of 3ds Max.

The global search system has undergone a comprehensive overhaul. As the user types, an expanded list of commands is displayed. Search results now showcase the last five commands utilized, facilitating easier repetition of actions. Additionally, it is now possible to double-click within the search results to initiate actions. The search bar can be resized or transformed into a dockable window.

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USD Plugin

In relation to the core application's exterior, the 3ds Max USD plugin has been updated. USD for 3ds Max 0.7 enables users to move USD prims by directly selecting them in the viewport. Users can now also import USD camera and light animations, and import USD blendshapes as Morphers. Blendshape export was added in USD for 3ds Max 0.5 in the previous year. Additionally, 3ds Max's Multi/Sub-Object Material is now supported during the export of USD files.



Improvements have been made in GPU rendering within Arnold for 3ds Max. The integration plugin MAXtoA now supports the new features from Arnold 7.2.5 and 7.3. A significant alteration involves rewriting a "large part" of Arnold's GPU render engine to utilize OptiX 8, resulting in notably faster start-up times and enhanced performance scaling on multiple GPUs. The GPU engine now also supports multiple render sessions. The update further introduces support for dithered samples in progressive and adaptive rendering, generating "nicer noise distributions" at lower AA sample counts. Other modifications include support for global light sampling in volumes, support for toon light group AOVs, and a new Overlay imager for superimposing text over rendered images.

As a professional cloud render service provider, XRender is able to provide massive computing resources for global users, and of course also supports cloud rendering services for everyone who uses 3ds Max. Register as a member of XRender, download our desktop and enjoy efficient, convenient and affordable cloud rendering services!

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